Department Head of Biological Sciences studies antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria. Helps students conduct experiments under the auspices of the Tiny Earth Initiative, which assigns them the ...
Researching the general areas of computer vision and pattern theory, especially biomedical applications. People can recognize the same or similar shapes in any circumstance, and they have a good ...
Winner of 2024 UT Dallas award for Outstanding Achievements in Research focuses on motor and habit learning with an emphasis on the role of neuromodulators in motor system plasticity. Research in the ...
Cecil H. and Ida Green Distinguished Chair in Systems Biology Science has published an array of original research articles elucidating heme signaling, gene regulation and lung tumorigenesis. Research ...
Information about tutoring, transcripts, academic calendar, courses, libraries, advising and testing center. Eugene McDermott Library provides access to relevant, authoritative and scholarly resources ...
Research interests include high assurance systems, parallel and distributed computing, secure and dependable systems, grid and peer-to-peer computing, systems engineering and component-based design of ...
Research examines how social and cognitive processes shape interpersonal experiences and how these experiences then impact relationship dynamics and health. She is particularly interested in the ...
Conducts research and teaches in the areas of electoral politics, political behavior and research methodology. Serves as co-director of the Survey Center for Opinion Research and Elections and has ...
Director of Data Communication and Data Management Laboratory studies big data management and analysis, social networks, database systems, wireless sensor networks, data mining, spatial data mining, ...
Research interests include visual perception, memory and cognition. Compared the performance of computational models of face recognition to the characteristics of human performance on similar tasks.
Research has emphasized using behavioral paradigms to understand the dynamics of infant/child social interactions and social experiences as predictors of social, communication, and language ...
Director of LabSynthE, a collaborative laboratory for the creative development of synthetic and electronic poetry. Describes herself as a media artist who uses remix as a strategy for engaging ...