Protected Landscapes (IUCN Protected Area Category V) are lived-in working landscapes. In the past, there has been a tendency to see them as a rather Eurocentric approach to protected areas but ...
Plastics only began to be produced in large quantities following the second world war – but plastic pollution has since become one of the most serious threats humanity faces. By 2015, 60% of all ...
Over 6,000 animals, fungi and plants at risk of extinction are threatened by climate change and severe weather on The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™, across every region of the world. The Red ...
A Batak indigenous woman is planting crops in her field near my father’s village. We chat. The lady, who happens to be a distant aunt, has lived in the Tapanuli region with her extended family near ...
Chilean Patagonia is today recognised as one of the greatest refuges of wild nature in the world. In recent decades, with the creation of national parks and marine reserves, the state has placed huge ...
The Talaud Bear Cuscus (Ailurops melanotis) is listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and protected under Indonesian law. The species’ geographic distribution is ...
In November, all along the busy maze of pavilion buildings in Sharm el Sheik, an estimated 45,000 people snaked along corridors hoping to inform crucial discussions surrounding climate policy at the ...
The IUCN Contributions for Nature platform shows how IUCN Members' conservation and restoration actions are helping to achieve global goals. This will be valuable in measuring progress towards the ...
When Kenya’s first post-independence leader, Jomo Kenyatta, gazetted what is now known as Nairobi National Park for the exclusive use by wildlife, he had this to say: “The natural resources of this ...
Tarantulas and the common-orb-weaver, represent two of the more recognizable suborders of spiders (mygalomorphs and araneomorphs respectively), but there is a third suborder that is basal to these two ...
This situation analysis presents a thorough, evidence-based examination of the relationship between wildlife and zoonosis, wildlife and emerging human pathogens and associated diseases, their origins, ...