不甘心明明被騙損失金額巨大卻提告求償無門,許女還透過管道,拿著先前留存好的「愛馬仕購買證明」,向愛馬仕法國總部詢問證明的真假,最終得到總部回應「該證明開立日前法國當地放假」的回應,以此提供給電商平台,希望能做為申訴退回爭議款的重要證據,孰料該電商不認 ...
Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had a “very different” meeting with former ...
Massive rains from powerful Hurricane Helene left people stranded, without shelter and awaiting rescue Saturday, as the ...
Donald Trump heightened his disparaging rhetoric about Vice President Kamala Harris at a rally on Saturday, claiming she was ...
Pinellas County officials announced Saturday afternoon they had reopened access to all beach and barrier island residents, ...
The incident occurred after the Republican vice presidential nominee turned up to Primanti Bros in North Versailles, Pennsylvania, and was denied entry ...
Joe Biden has hailed Israel’s assassination of Hassan Nasrallah as “justice” for his many victims, as Iran confirmed one of ...
“Hassan Nasrallah and the terrorist group he led, Hezbollah, were responsible for killing hundreds of Americans over a ...
Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris is set to hold a fundraising event in San Francisco on Saturday while ...
衛福部長邱泰源21日爆料,討論醫院淨零減碳時,總統賴清德曾致電罵環境部長彭啟明:「你搞得這麼大條,醫院有錢做這些工作嗎」?引起軒然大波。28日台灣護理學會於圓山大飯店舉辦110周年慶祝大會,賴、邱首度在罵人風波後一同現身,不過入場時兩人一前一後,中間 ...