Ant queens devour sick larvae through cannibalism to prevent disease spread. This process increases egg production by 55%.
Scientists discovered a "pause button" in human development, transforming reproductive technology advancements.
The study shows that interacting with dogs boosts children's oxytocin levels, leading to better mental health and social ...
Researchers unlock how killifish regenerate fins by studying cellular response timing, paving the way for future therapies.
New research links the Ice Age to future El Niño events, offering insights into how global warming may intensify extreme ...
Research on hybridization of endangered langurs in Bangladesh highlights deforestation and its conservation urgency.
Draco mission explores satellite reentry, advancing space debris management and sustainable technology in line with the Zero ...
Drones collect environmental DNA from rainforest canopies, revealing hidden biodiversity and advancing conservation.
Forests may be more resilient to climate change, with rising temperatures and nitrogen levels helping retain soil carbon.
Discover how AI technology is unraveling the ancient mysteries of the Nazca geoglyphs in the deserts of southern Peru.
Climate change influences deer behavior, migration, and survival. Warmer winters help, but hotter summers cause stress.
The near-extinction of northern elephant seals left lasting genetic effects, shaping future conservation efforts.