Recognising the urgency on improving consumer understanding, Giorgia Zamariola walks us through EFSA’s latest project and demonstrates how tools, such as AI-based systems for misinformation detection ...
[Brussels, 5th September 2024] –The EU-funded Human Microbiome Action consortium conducted a Delphi survey, coordinated by the Pharmabiotic Research Institute (PRI), to establish a consensus on the ...
We aim to live a healthy life and it has become a hot topic of debate in the media and society to describe what healthy living is. Healthy living is having the opportunity, capability and motivation ...
When are fruit and vegetables in season across Europe? EUFIC has created a pioneering tool for you to explore and follow a more sustainable diet. On the map you will see Europe’s six climatic regions.
Laura joined EUFIC in 2002 as Scientific Advisor, and has since contributed to the growth of the organisation fulfilling different functions throughout the years. She leads the organisation since ...
Foodborne illnesses are a burden on public health and contribute significantly to the cost of health care. The good news is that they are preventable! Food safety is a shared responsibility of ...
La actividad física se define como cualquier movimiento corporal, producido por músculos esqueléticos, que requiere energía. La contribución de la actividad física a la buena salud y a la calidad de ...
Science is a process by which we learn about all the things in the universe. It is the process of gaining knowledge through the observation of measurable evidence. To people it often seems that ...
Food packages are labelled to provide people with information about a product we might want to buy in the supermarket. The labels include nutrition information (e.g., how much of a certain nutrient ...
Food choice refers to how people decide on what to buy and eat. A complex set of factors that vary from person to person and depend on culture, heritage and up-bringing all influence food choice. We ...
Discover how you can make a positive impact on the environment and save on costs by evaluating your food waste habits! EUFIC's new food waste quiz is designed to help you evaluate your food waste ...