The destroyer transited the strait on its way to naval drills in the South China Sea, Japanese media report.
A Japanese destroyer passed through the Taiwan Strait on Wednesday, marking the first time a modern Japanese warship has ...
A Japanese warship has sailed through the Taiwan Strait between Taiwan and China for the first time, prompting Beijing to ...
With the unprecedented move this time, Japan now joined the other Western countries engaging in freedom-of-navigation ...
The sailing of a warship through the strait, a first by Japan, goes hand-in-hand with Tokyo’s ongoing remilitarization and ...
Attempting to send a message to China, Japan's Self Defense Force has patrolled the Taiwan Strait for the first time, ...
A Japanese warship cruised through the Taiwan Strait for the first time to assert its freedom of navigation, local media said ...
The warship spent more than 10 hours sailing southward to complete the passage along with naval ships from Australia and New Zealand ...
China said Thursday it was "highly vigilant" and had lodged a complaint with Tokyo after a Japanese warship sailed through ...